efat takalloo

Efat Takallo

Born in 1979, Gonbad-e Kavus

Painter and designer of architectural ornamentation

Member of the Visual Arts Association of Kerman


  1. Author of Pictures of Kerman’s Historical Tiles

  2. Production of documentaries on the history and architecture of Kerman, titled Houses of Kerman

Teaching Experience

  1. Instructor of a workshop on the application of traditional patterns in clothing design for school teachers in Kerman

  2. 10 years of teaching experience in traditional design and pattern geometry at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Faculty of Art

  3. Teaching experience at Kosar Technical and Vocational College of Gonbad-e Kavu

  4. Cooperation as consultant with the Cultural and Educational Association of Gonbad-e Kavus Art Department

  5. Teaching experience at Jahad Technical and Vocational College


  1. Winner of the Best Researcher Award for the research leading to the production of the Houses of Kerman documentary in the 18th Iran Television Productions Festival, Tabriz

  2. Winner of the Best Researcher Award in the Kerman Film-Making Center Productions Festival

  3. First place winner of in the Kerman Film-Making Center Productions Festival photography competition

Implementation Background

  1. Design of the front gate and exterior architectural ornamentation of Ayatollah Siadati Mosque in Sabzevar, Khorasan Razavi Province

  2. Design and implementation of the muqarnas patterns of the interior of the dome as well as the arabesque patterns of the stucco of the Neyriz Musalla Complex, Fars Province

  3. Pattern design of a part of Honarmand Garden’s interior ornamentation, Kerman

  4. Design of the front gate and interior and exterior architectural ornamentation of Roohi School, Kerman

  5. Design and implementation of Moon Café interior architectural decoration, Kerman

  6. Design and implementation of Safavid-style interior ornamentation in a traditional restaurant project in Minsk City Center, Belarus

Solo Exhibitions

  1. Painting collection exhibition at Jana Gallery, Tehran

  2. Images of Kerman’s Historical Tiles painting exhibition at Felestin Museum of Contemporary Art for one month, Tehran

  3. Iranian paintings exhibition at Mes-e Sarcheshmeh Gallery, Rafsanjan

  4. Images of Kerman’s Historical Tiles painting exhibition at San’ati Contemporary Arts Museum, Kerman

  5. Painting exhibition at Abrishami Gallery, Rafsanjan

  6. Carpet design exhibition at Fakhreddin As'ad Gorgani Gallary, Golestan Province

Group Exhibitions

  1. PParticipation in a painting and calligraphy exhibition at Mika Gallery, Kish Island

  2. ...

  3. Participation in the Painting Exhibition of Contemporary Artists of Iran and the world, San’ati Contemporary Arts Museum

  4. Participation in the art lecturers exhibition of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman and San’ati Contemporary Arts Museum, Kerman

  5. Participation in the Contemporary Artists Exhibition in Kerman, San’ati Contemporary Arts Museum

  6. Participation in the Woman Artists Exhibition in Kerman, Butia Gallery

  7. Painting and photography exhibition on ornamentations in the architecture of Kerman Province, Butia Gallery, Kerman

  8. Three years’ participation in the Tehran International Carpet Exhibition